Saturday, July 7, 2012

Our Final Day

Last night, Grandpa announced an AIS for today of 7:30 am. Once again, the boys woke without a problem and off we went for breakfast at the Trading Post.

 Our next stop was The Windmill, our local farm market

 The boys each selected some local baked goods prepared by the Mennonites
 Meggie went for a pony ride

 The boys enjoyed the fact that at all the local places there are specified parking areas for horse and buggies
 A common site on every road in town
 Melissa, our next stop was for you at Oak Hill, the local bulk food market.  Jason picked up three fresh dip mixes:)

We returned to severe thunderstorms on the lake.  Everyone napped.  There is nothing like a nap with the sound of the water outside:)  

As the afternoon progressed and the rain subsided, we took our final boat ride.

 Yes, even Jason couldn’t hold on this time:)

 Looking very cool, with a wave to the boat...

Meggie wants a turn
 Today, it was Ryan who was the good sport and rode the tube with Meg

 My handsome 16 year-old!
 Grandma waving to the boat as we approached the shore
 Final dives off the boat...

While the boys swam back to the raft, Meggie drove us in:)

I was going to say, “final pictures in the hot tub” but the boys are back in now while I post:)

 A final dinner in the gazebo
 While we ate, the Esperanza Rose, on her nightly dinner cruise, passed by 
 At 7pm, the fishing poles came back out on both docks
Grandpa fished with Meg.  She caught the fish below

and then this one...
and then THIS ONE...
and finally THIS ONE!  Yes, leave it to the 6 year-old to catch the biggest fish:)

Final fish tally: Brendan 10, Meaghan 4, JC 4, Eric 3, Ryan 3, Jason 3.

Before the boys changed into their suits for one final time in the hot tub, Grandma polled them for their favorite memories:

Brendan:  Golfing and Wakeboarding
Jason:  Ice Cream and Darien -- “It was an all-over, good time!”
Ryan:  Golfing and Tubing
JC:  Driving down the driveway and seeing the lake for the first time
Eric:  Running and jumping into the lake and late-night fishing

For me, the chauffeur, event planner and chaperone, the fondest memories will be of the constant smiles and laughter.  Beginning early each day as we set out on our next excursion until late into each night during rubber band gun wars, the boys had a great time!  They all got along great and watched out for each other.  They were kind to Meaghan and courteous and helpful in my parent’s home.  Throughout it all, there was laughter, laughter and more laughter!  Such a wonderful memory to carry with me!

I have tried hard to capture many of the events of the past few days but there is so much more that I could not capture with the lens of the camera -- the bonds between the boys, the inside jokes, the conversation and laughter during meals, the quiet times just laughing and talking by the lake...

Brendan grew up creating memories on Keuka Lake.  It has meant the world to him to share this very special place with his friends.  I know the boys will each carry memories from this weekend for a long time.  

Three of my favorite people
We love you, Grandma and Grandpa!
Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa for an unforgettable 16th Birthday vacation!!

The sun setting over Keuka Lake on our final night

 Sweet Dreams!

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